Professor of University of Virginia,USA Gives Academic Report at ECUST

    At the invitation of the School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, Prof. T. Brent Gunnoe of the Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia,USA paid a visit to ECUST and gave a lecture entitled “Transition Metal Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Olefins: New Catalysts for Alkyl and Alkenyl Arenes” for the postgraduate students and teachers of the School of Chemical Engineering on February 22nd, 2017. The lecture was chaired by Professor Zhu Kake. After the lecure, Professor T. Brent Gunnone held academic exchanges with teachers and students present at the lecture, and responded to the questions raised by the audience in great detail. 


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237