Associate Editor of American Ceramic Society Visits ECUST

    At the invitation of Mr.Yuan Shuanglong, associate researcher of the School of Material Science, Mr. Zhou Xiaodong, professor of South Carolina University and associate editor of American Ceramic Society paid a vist to ECUST during May 25th and May 26th, 2017. The visit was sponsored by the ECUST Project of Short Academic Visit. Professor Zhou Xiaodong gave two lectures entitled “New Advanced Functional Ceramics” and “Systematic Science of Electrochemical Energy ” at Xuhui and Fengxian campus. Professor Cheng Qilin and Professor Yang Yunxia attended the report which was chaired by Professor Yuan Shuanglong.

    At the Q & A session of the report meeting, Professor Zhou Xiaodong had heated discussion and exchanges on the questions raised by the present teachers and students.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237