Professors of Shizuoka University, Japan Visit ECUST for Academic Exchanges

    Prof. Sako Takeshi and Prof. Kong Changyi from Shizuoka University, Japan were invited to pay a visit to ECUST for academic exchanges and delivered academic reports on September 26th, 2017. Presided over by Professor Zhao Ling, the report meeting was attended by more than 50 teachers and students. After a brief introduction to Shizuoka University, Professor Sako then gave a report entitled “Green Technology Using Supercritical Fluids”, in which he gave a general introduction to the supercritical technology and explained the green application of supercritical fluid such as supercritical methanol, supercritical water and supercritical carbon dioxide. Prof. Kong Changyi made a speech entitled “The methods for measuring the physical properties in supercritical fluids & Synthesis of graphene based materials via chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite”, in which he shared his latest research in related fields.



East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237